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My Personal SWOT Analysis


Strengths Weaknesses
Something I value about myself is my thought process, it knows me, it knows my limits, my interests, and it makes these amazing connections that I feel can take me somewhere new. To a new project, new place, new time. In that way, there are no limits.

People say that I read and write well.

I like to be optimistic. I think being negative about a situation will just slow you down and make it worse. Instead I write a plan for myself that will have a place and time for me to work out my confusions and doubts.
I'm not very good at research. I think being flooded with knowledge that I'm not interested in overwhelms me.

I need to improve my organization skills because although I value them, I can still improve. In doing so I'll be more productive and put out better quality work.

Being thoughtful and optimistic will help me improve because I'll develop a plan for my success and having that will lead me the right way.
Opportunities Threats
There are so many tutors surrounding me in this school. Also I should take advantage of my environment just for studying or doing homework because it focuses me.

Today I can work on old work that I may have skipped over. I can also practice my languages, and work on organizing my things.

My family can support me by helping me out or help me stay on schedule.

I think being optimistic will help me identify and take advantage of opportunities because I won't be nervous about putting myself out there. I would know that something is for my best interest and I'll go for it.
Currently I support myself, so to me, putting work first seems reasonable and I have to learn to make time for everything in my life.

Getting up on time for school could be a problem for me. But I like being up early, I have more time in the day to get things done and I can be especially productive.

The financial factor could place me at risk of reaching my goals. Even with financial aid and my job, there is always the stress of maybe not being able to have enough for something. I just have to budget better and cut out unnecessary spending.

My Strengths Story

  Positivity and organization can help overcome any obstacle. Having a positive attitude about my course work and other assignments will help me get a college degree because I won't allow myself to get overwhelmed. I would organize my studies and create a plan for myself in order to work most efficiently, get things done, and still have time to relax. 


 I can also use this strength to face threats and weaknesses. I can have a positive attitude about the long hours, loads of homework, and lack of free time. I'd be accomplishing everything I need to. I would organize my work, school, and life. I'll be able to manage and conduct the research I need to further my education. But also on a personal level, I'll be able to compare deals and identify resources.


 Being in Guttman allows me to have have resources like tutors, online help, and other tips that people seem to offer everyday. These are opportunities to build on my strengths and weaknesses. I can get help to be better equiped when solving my own problems. And ultimately develop a strategy to live efficiently on my own.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.