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My Personal SWOT Analysis


Strengths Weaknesses
Forgiveness is a very important trait to have. The reason why I am forgiving is because without it, some lessons in life won't be learned. Forgiving teaches you to move on from the past and face your future. You learn to keep your head up and keep on moving. Which is what I do in school. Going through bullying helped me learn that not everything comes to you easy. No one is perfect and all you can do is become a better person.

Being curious helps you discover many different things. As a curious person you question everything to learn things you don't know. For example I question myself everyday, wondering who is telling my story. Sometimes I think I am a baby named Kimberly, who is wondering how her life would be when she gets older. 😄

I've always been respectful. My mother taught to always have manners and to treat others how I want to be treated. Same goes for my professors, if I treated them with disrespect they would treat me the same way and I won't be able to learn anything. If everyone saw that side they would treat me the same.
Being unconfident is a bad trait because it prevents you from doing things like speaking out loud and not able to speak your mind. If I was confident I believe I would be able to get over my fear of speaking in public. Making me less shy.

I have never been a selfish person. I was taught to care about others. Mommy told me that sometimes other things are more important then myself. Since then, I've always had that mind set to care more about others then myself. I've always focused on everyones happiness instead of mine, which caused me to think negative about myself.

I was never a good at spelling, because of that it was hard for me to move up in my English classes. My Dyslexia didn't make it any easier. It was hard to read the words so spelling them was even worse. I've made it far even with those challenges, but the further I moved on the harder words got to spell but I still didn't give up.
Opportunities Threats

Tutoring is an opportunity that students in Guttman can take advantage of. For me tutoring would be amazing because I learn differently than others.

Making new friends would be very helpful both in school and out of school. They can relieve stress and help with class work.

Seeing different places and cultures would be great for me because I never left this country or gotten on a plane. It would be nice to not be New York and taste other types of foods.
If I work with someone I don't like I'm not going to get anything done, I'll be to distracted to do my assignment and I'm going to want to punch them in their face. 😃 😄

Pimples are going to be the biggest threat because I'm going to scare everyone in the class. LML. For real though if I have pimples because I am stressed its not going to be pretty. I don't like people talking about them and pimples just put me in a very bad mood.

Bad behavior is going to be a very big distraction not only for me, but everyone else in the class. If people see bad behavior they are more likely to behave bad.

My Strengths Story

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