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1)      What makes a capstone a capstone? How is it different from other courses? What might be appropriate themes for capstone courses at Guttman?


  • A capstone should be an application of the knowledge gained during the courses of the major.
  • There are three things we need to take under consideration in creating the course
    • Classes should be smaller so that professors and students can work closely together
    • We also need to make sure that students have all of the foundational knowledge required to move beyond what was taught in those classes to applying that knowledge elsewhere.
    • We need to rethink which courses are appropriate for 6-weeks. Capstone courses, as well as some of the introductory courses, should be placed in 12 rather than 6 weeks.



2)      What would you recommend in terms of the role of ePortfolio in capstone courses at Guttman? What is the rationale for using ePortfolio in this setting? What are its benefits? What kinds of ePortfolio pedagogy might make the capstone course more integrative?


  • The end result should not just be to create something and then put it up on ePortfolio but it should be more of a pedagogical tool that is used in the creation of the capstone’s capstone.



SPS Examples



For this course, students also have other options such as creating a handbook (which we actually see more creative). As you can see, this is what we have been referring to as a showcase portfolio.



While this represents the type of thing, the application of knowledge, that we think is appropriate for a capstone, we think its presentation could be more creative.

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