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Go to Chapter 11 when Eva tells Rolfe Carle a story as they wait in the jungle until dawn of the day of the final Santa Maria prison break and government overthrow.

Her story is written in italics. Re-read it.


What if Isabel Allende's main point in the wild jungle of her imaginative, complicated, crazy, magical realismof this novel Eva Luna is contained in this final story its protagonist tells?


Let's choose to believe that it is. Consider that what Allende has for you in this final story is like Zulema's jewels that Eva digs up from the dirt in Agua Sancta and bestows on Mimi.


What, then, is the gem of wisdom YOU, personally, as its reader, take from your experience of reading it?  


Write and spellcheck your response in your ePortfolio, then submit it to EN 214 Digication.

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